‘Let me in’ (2020)

weird tree image for let me in.png

I wrote this song one morning while experimenting with Cakewalk. The melody just kind of popped out. It’s got a bit of a noughties pop punk throwback going on. It’s a song about looking for shelter in the ongoing shit-nado that was the pandemic experience here in the UK.

This was really fun to write and record. Got my mandolin (the one with the hole in it) out for this. Bit of folk. bit of punk, bit of psych. Like Neapolitan ice cream but weird and jaunty.

A song about my envious admiration for people keeping their cool and remaining collected in lockdown.

“This song comes all the way from Great Britain and we really hope it reaches the rest of the world. It’s the never ending feelings/emotions from Folk Music that sounds like a happy moment with our mates just playing music”




The Misinformation Age (2020)